Giza Uncovered

The Realities Beyond the Recent Robotic Probe of
the Queen's Chamber

copyright © 2002 J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Not to be copied or reproduced under any circumstances.

Pyramids 97

A recent documentary presented by National Geographic/FOX TV anticipated that a small robotic vehicle could ascend 65 meters (213 feet) through the square shaft in the southern wall of the Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid by clinging to the ceiling and the floor. It could then pass through the doorway at the top of the shaft to gaze upon a secret chamber, or at least shed new light on the seventh wonder of the ancient world for a massive audience.

Unfortunately, the provocative scientific discoveries that could have challenged the historic time-line of western science were not confirmed in the recent attempt of this exploit in the Cheops (Khufu) Pyramid. The robotic vehicle that made the journey up the shaft — no mean feat, since the shaft is a mere 20 cm (8 inches) wide and extends a long distance upwards over a quasi-polished chamber — was dubbed the Pyramid Rover (2.0) and carried a five camera configuration upon its streamlined body.  Constructed by an engineering firm in Boston, the Pyramid Rover (14cm x 30cm) was designed to bring pressure on the door at the top of the shaft, in an attempt to cause it to move.  It also attempted to manipulate the two copper handles attached to the door as embellishments.

JJH Star Shaft KC

The square shaft begins with a "tank trap" or initial dip and appears to end 16.5 meters (54 feet) short of the outer side of the pyramid's surface at the miniature door. The door itself is only 8 cm (3.25 inches) thick and seals the end of the narrow shaft. The Pyramid Rover, equipped with a special drill, cut a small hole in the closed door, but found nothing on the other side except what appeared to be another door or wall just a few feet behind the first. There was no object, no statue, no ancient parchment to be found. Where many enthusiasts were hoping to discover a secret chamber with parchments or engraved texts — not even an "empty chamber" nor an ongoing shaft was seen.

It is true that Arabic sources of the ninth and tenth century of this era reported striking details of inner hinges and metallic objects in rooms and chambers connected with the Great Pyramids.  They reported metals that, although very ancient, would not show any oxidization over the centuries.  These reports came as early as 820 AD beginning with the Arab prince, Abdullah El Mamun.  Mamun made his way into a side face of the Great Pyramid which has remained the main entrance for tourists to this day. He reported that one chamber contained glass objects that could bend. Another contained metal objects that did not rust. A third contained life forms that were neither living nor dead, implying to the student of the Arabic texts (talmudi), objects of semi-divine origin — all of which I would call "future artifacts."

Over a thousand years later, the most advanced technology is still trying to uncover these hidden chambers. In the early 1970s Nobel prize winner Luis Alvarez began the research by using "cosmic-ray muons" within the central of the three Pyramids called Khephren. In the mid-1970s, Lambert Dolphin of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) performed experiments within the Great Pyramid and around the Sphinx using high frequency seismic soundings. In 1977, our Academy team of remote sensing archaeologists sought a different approach. Instead of looking for hidden chambers, we looked to the star shafts for information.  Our Egyptian exploration, to the best of my knowledge, was the first to employ the use of gas lasers on the 'outer' facade of the Great Pyramid to penetrate into the shafts of the Great Pyramid, as well as aim at certain star positions that were calculated to have once aligned with Orion's belt. The perfection of these shafts showed the integrity of the star shafts in spite of the appearance of rough masonry on the outer side, caused by robbers who removed the outer limestone casing.

One has to wonder at the reasons for these shafts in the Great Pyramid. The initial theory was that they could have permitted air currents for laborers working beneath thousands of tons of stone. A different theory maintains that the shafts enhanced the ritual intoning of musical sounds; sounds passing over the shaft lip would produce what musicologists call the "Helmholz effect" (named after German physicist Herman Helmholz), their natural acoustic frequency amplified to coincide with an excitation frequency.

Another popular theory holds that these shafts are simply a meta-symbol for the "quiet" ascent of the soul in transcending earthly barriers. According to many Egyptologists, the shaft represents a symbolic notation for the rise of the soul of the deceased Pharaoh, or of some Egyptian dignitary, to the "Duat" (the Underworld), where the soul would then follow Osiris to important areas in the heavens called the Ihm'sk , the place of the imperishable star gods. If this were the case, it would not matter if the shafts were open or closed, as their function would primarily be symbolic.

An additional possibility is that these mysterious shafts are aimed at unique star configurations, either for the ascent of the soul towards a particular constellation, or for some higher symbolism: showing the time of planting or, better yet, the place where the gods exists. For example, the southern star shaft in the Queen's Chamber, if continued to the outside of the Pyramid, would point directly during the early dynastic Egypt to the star Sirius, 8.6 light years away, in the constellation Canis Major. Thus, whether in the King's or Queen's Chambers, these star shafts can be seen as minuscule laser pointers going straight through the massive stonework of the Pyramid, pinpointing distant stellar areas which were part of a rising and renewing universe!


If we consider this latter theory further, we discover that the shaft in the King's Chamber, just above the southern shaft of the Queen's Chamber, reaches to the outer surface of the Pyramid and was, at the alleged time of the Pyramid's construction, aligned with the Orion constellation. This calls to mind the ancient hieroglyph of Netat and the meaning of the resurrection of Osiris in connection with Orion as the human and divine body merge after passing through the underworld of death. Opposite that shaft in the King's Chamber on the northern wall is another shaft that points to a north polar area connected with the Draco constellation. This particular dual-alignment configuration was created to show both the positive and negative spirals for the release of soul energy: Orion is viewed as the region of existence of positive programming, Draconis being the devouring anti-universe.

There are contentions to this theory, since the alignment to Orion is not continuous. More specifically the precise alignment of the south shaft of the King's Chamber to Orion and the south Queen's Chamber to Sirius came at a much earlier age than that of the classical Egyptian period or the 4th Dynasty (2575 - 2465 BC), the alleged time when the Great Pyramid was built. Yet, if the Pyramid is much older, this could account for why the knowledge of the builders was lost. This also suggests that there may have been an astrophysical-based Egyptian age that had somehow acquired a higher wisdom which was also built into the massive circuitry of floor plans and chambers embedded in the pyramid and in other subterranean structures beneath Giza. Plato's Timaeus implies that there was a more ancient Wisdom and culture that even during his time (428 to 347 BC) was already lost to humanity.

In a small study that this author wrote in 1973 the specific reconstructions of the south shaft-Orionis relationship projecting backward on the star charts suggests a much earlier date in the recorded dynastic period or even as early as the pre-dynastic period for the alignment of the star shafts with the constellations. The calculations for the star alignments reveals that more than forty-seven centuries ago planetary science was extremely advanced,  such that the builders could transform the dramatic ideas of life and evolution based on astronomic mathematical equations and incorporate them in stone to describe how natural evolution continued into the greater cosmos. This would show that the Great Pyramid was constructed as a type of stone calculator for the precession of stars connected with the Equinox, the Great Pyramid being the most massive astrophysical computer on the planet, built in the ancient world to show a detailed relationships with multiple star fields.

One of the first documents to specify this alignment was The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, published in 1973 [1], and lately, its theory has become more widely accepted.

Granted, these significant facts of star-shaft orientation cannot by themselves prove the presence of higher intelligence in the designing of the Great Pyramid — and yet, its design and execution is so precise that even the stony floor is absolutely horizontal. Furthermore, the three pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Mycernius were constructed in a relationship that closely resembles the positioning of the three stars in the belt of Orion: Mintaka, Alnitak, and Anilam, more than 1300 light years away from earth.

In the words of Key 105 in The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch: [2]

The Key to Our Astrophysical Time Zones Is The " Three And One" Alignment of Consciousness Forces in The Great Pyramid With The "Twelve And One " Energies of Time Warp Pyramids Centered And Controlled by The "Many And One" Throne Energies of Orionis And The Pleiades.

And in Key 108:11 in The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch: [2]

During previous geomagnetic cycles the North star shaft of the Great Pyramid originally pointed towards the circumpolar star of alpha Draconis and the South star shaft pointed towards the Taurus-Orion constellations.

Pointing out the alignment of Orion, the Hunter with the Sword, in connection with the Pleiades (in Taurus) addresses not only alignments with the Great Pyramid but with other special areas of evolutionary development around the world.  Many of these areas are now without the knowledge they once had in the past.  The ancient Coptic text of Asclepius included in The Nag Hammadi texts warns us of this time when "Egypt will be widowed; it will be abandoned by the longer will it be full of temples, but it will be full of tombs.  Neither will it be full of gods, but it will be full of corpses." [3]

And what about the Queen's Chamber shafts, neither of which seem to reach the outside of the Pyramid?  According to the great Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie, the orientation of the northern shaft is 37 degrees 28 minutes [4] — which, if continued to the exterior of the Pyramid, points towards Ursa Minor (currently connected with our circumpolar movement).

In 1993 Rudolf Gatenbrink sent the first robots (Upuaut 1 and Upuaut 2 — Upuaut meaning "opener") up the small southern shaft in the Queen's Chamber to find the door. His measurement of the shaft's angle, approximately 39 degrees, was once in early dynastic times, pointed towards the star Sirius during the time of the New Year. Sirius in Canis Major, associated by the ancient Greeks with the companion of Orion, in Egyptian drawings, was symbolic for Isis, the heavenly mother and wife of Osiris.

Since Gatenbrink's work halted at the door at the end of the star shaft in 1993, many millions of people have awaited the door's opening.  The attempt of Dr. Zawi Hawass, together with the American National Geographic Society (16/17 September 2002) disclosed only another sealed door approximately 7 inches (17 cm) behind the first. I want to emphasize here that the penetration of a "sealed door" by a robotic probe is only the beginning stage in the continuing exploration of ancient Egyptian rooms and IS NOT, by any means, the end of major discoveries on the plateau.  In fact, a similar probe by the Pyramid Rover 2.0 through the northern shaft of the Queen's Chamber changed pyramid diagrams forever.  What was once thought of as only a short shaft blocked by the Grand Gallery turned out to be a bent shaft that went up the identical length of 65 meters (213 feet) to similar door with two metal handles on the northern side.


The fact that the two shafts in the Queen's Chamber are of the same length with the same two handled-type doorway covering such a vast length within this stone complex, shows the overriding mathematical and astrophysical importance that the proto-Egyptians assigned to the designing forces of creation. These two blocked shafts may be a reference to even greater discoveries that will occur connected with a missing central chamber which may reveal why there is also a missing capstone.

Moreover, probes by Japanese explorers in 1986 located a cavity in the vicinity of the Queen's Chamber corridor at a depth of 1.5 meters, running horizontal to the Queen's Chamber, and another cavity behind the northern wall of the Queen's Chamber at a depth of 3-4 meters. To date, these remain unexplored.

Among other expected discoveries we should anticipate are major underground chambers existing near the Great Pyramid, as well as chambers connected with the Osiris tomb. These were detected with GPR (ground penetrating radar) by our remote sensing team in 1997 [5], two years before the publicly announced discovery of the Osiris tomb by Zawi Hawass, who admitted on a Fox television special in 1999 that "two years before, a group was exploring" the renowned site. The finding of a multi-level network of tombs and structures surrounded by waterways suggests the actual foundation grid for the famous "benben" stone of the evolutionary experiment of life around which the Egyptian myths of creation are centered.

The possible labyrinth of an underground city structure needs to be determined by remote sensing technology, followed by excavations and optics cameras. Another discovery should come with the finding of a female Sphinx in the Giza area. This important exploration of the massive underground chambers needs to continue. The unlocking of Egypt's underground from Abu Sir to Ain Shams may be the place for hidden temples and libraries and evidence of an underground city, connected with the "legendary" Academy of On. Finding the historic archives cited by both great Egyptian and Greek philosophers of a staggering size and scope would usher forth the ultimate revelation, unlocking the secrets of the "Golden Age" and perhaps revealing how semi-divine beings had a close connection with man.

So, what is important? Not the emptiness of the chamber behind the door, but the "fullness" of the mathematical weights and measures that connects a superb astrophysical eye between universes as a filter model of evolution through millions and millions of stars above with a series of underground passages and solar boat pits running throughout Giza.


[1] J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. Los Gatos: The Academy for Future Science, 1973.

[2] Ibid ., Key 105 and Key 108.

[3] Asclepius 21-29 (VI, 8).

[4] Sir Flinders Petrie, Pyramids and Temples of Giza, chapter 7, section 42, London: 1888.