Giza Uncovered

how was the pyramids built videoHow was the Great Pyramid Built?

During research expeditions to the pyramids of Giza, Egypt in 1978, we were able to simultaneously film a group of construction engineers and research scientists from Japan (Nippon Corporation) who began to undertake a reconstruction of the Great Pyramid on a smaller scale.

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Pyramids 97The Realities Beyond the Recent Robotic Probe of the Queen's Chamber

A recent documentary presented by National Geographic/FOX TV anticipated that a small robotic vehicle could ascend 65 meters (213 feet) through the square shaft in the southern wall of the Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid by clinging to the ceiling and the floor. It could then pass through the doorway at the top of the shaft to gaze upon a secret chamber, or at least shed new light on the seventh wonder of the ancient world for a massive audience.

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2000D1New Walls Encircle Pyramidal Complex at Giza

Since the beginning of 2002, Dr. J.J. Hurtak and a European team of investigators and explorers have been recording the construction of a massive system of walls being placed around the historic pyramidal sites and the larger unexcavated area of Giza, Egypt — in total, an area covering approximately eight square kilometers. Why build these massive walls at this time? Certainly Giza is one of the finest archaeological zones of the world. Are there new treasures of ancient Egypt yet to be uncovered that require sophisticated technology and surveillance platforms, to protect the ongoing research along the Giza plateau?  Has, perhaps, an area been discovered that shows tracings of rare earths and unique minerals? Or is it simply, as some officials are claiming, a move to protect the plateau from terrorists and control the masses of tourists visiting the area?

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Pyramid Chamber UpdateNew Rooms Discovered in the Great Pyramid of Cheops

French researchers investigating the famous Great Pyramid of Giza discovered unknown rooms. Using ground-penetrating radar systems they discovered evidence of the existence of secret passageways and a third chamber below and behind the the Queen's Chamber.

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HurtakGP2Egyptian Star Shafts Probe to Continue

In 1993, German cameras followed the steady climb up 213 feet from the Queen's Chamber through the 'star shafts' by 'Upuaut', the robotic vehicle designed by Rudolf Gantenbrink. When it finally stopped, it was blocked by what many viewers saw as a limestone 'sliding-door'with two copper handles.  Nine years later, Fox International Television followed a second probe sent by another scientific team with Dr. Zahi Hawass up the same southern 'star shaft' in the Queen's Chamber.

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tomb of osiris1Tomb of Osiris at Giza

Thirty-three plus meters (about 100 feet) under the Giza plateau we discovered the sarcophagus lid indicating the existence of the Osiris tomb in the central watery mote. This was two years before the FOX TV special on the opening of the tomb in 1999.

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